Friday, July 31, 2009

5+1 Reasons why people Blog:

1.You are a wanna be writer but dont have funds or resources do go about the same ;countless futile meetings with your publisher led you absolutely nowhere; you dont want to suffer the wrath of an equally frustrated editor and undergo his blue-pencil operation.

2.creative writing(as we like 2 call it) used to be your passion in standard 8th and the fire gets rekindled some 8 years later turning into an arson and burning others property(ears,eyes,brains).

3.You are a serious attention seeker and suffering from 'count the profile check' syndrome where no. of profile clicks is directly proportional to the no. of teeth you show when you ingest the stats.

4.Frustated, dejected,rejected,screwed up,messed up are a few states of mind, if ur left with has hit the bottom (which is bottomless), rejected by GF, boss is a dog, backstabbed by friend are some of the few factors that direct you to blogging where you can mutely vent your spleen and maybe avenge the wrongdoers!!!!

5.Recession afflicted, out of the job or never had one, you have got nothing else to do n have a broadband connection...there u go blogging.....some e1 try 2 make it a profession with a tiny lil hope in the back of their minds that someday it will be a best seller(best blog or something)

6.There r some things that happen for no reason,we call it destiny and to some blogging is destiny!!!

Why do I blog: Coz I am another cog in the wheel n go in the direction it goes....

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I dont know how to begin with, i dont even think i am good at this art of expressing myself in an out an out public form, where world actually becomes one's oyster. But since i am just like another cog in this worldly wheel am bound to do what others are doing...follow people!!! Isnt it okay to follow people, to walk on already trudged path..playing it safe!! Majority of us, most of the times infallibly follow protocols dished out by others who constitute the minority.Barely we question those ideologies reason being our sheer oblivion or unintelligent imitativness or submission to them, an emulation rarely being a reason for that. We don't even question for that is something only an eight year old can do, according to the well conceived notion.It appears that the inquisitiveness has taken up the course of a silent death.Ideologies have become more of facts which are no more laid open to objective /subjective dissection.

Why is that we always bet safe, always skeptical and apprehensive to go out of the way explore and leave a trail....

Maybe because of the uncertainity factor which makes us just another cog in the wheel which helps turn the wheel but never sets its own direction!!!