Friday, September 10, 2010

An iota of change

1 year...3 posts....not very impressive stats, not a great start!!
After a long hiatus I am back on the revered grounds of blogging!!!
But as I retrospect nothing changed in this one year, same state of affairs,
futile G-20s,G-8s,perpetual Kashmir issue + cross border terrorism with rate of loss of life and property increasing exponentially, inflation surging with double digits, alarming rise in water-levels, floods/droughts, changing seasons and yes, me getting an year older.
Nothing remarkable...hold on yes How can I forget Saina Nehwal's historic feat(Had goose-bumps when I heard the news!!) at the same time the "Common Wealth Preparations" bringing ignominy to the nation,Match fixing scandals, old charge-sheets seeing the light of the day(Ruchika's case!!), global embarresment to Tiger Woods for being involved in unspeakable acts of infidelity, Rahul Gandhi going pillar-to-post(in the dark deep forests) to save the helpless in an attempt to prove his worth to the nation(all show no substance) and as they say 'the list is endless'. But still such events make headlines for newspapers every passing year, so whats new in that. The difference is the growing indiffernce of the common-man to all such events!!
Little am I fazed by such incidences which not even form the part of my water-cooler conversations. They are no more life changing for me for I have started running
really low on my EQ. The reason being, there are many actually:
1) The frequency of such happenings.
2) The frequency of news channels posting these events.Breaking news status lasts for a week these days and 24X7 frame seems to be a misfit.
3) Such is the reach of media, that even mundane affairs like breathing,eating cannot go unrepoted. What I mean is that power of news becomes ineffective and the major events loose their sheen
owing to the reporting of useless trivial issues.
4) This state of indifference and nonchalance is attributed to the great indian governance/poor judiciary/legislation."Aam admi" has found a lot significane in the linguistic context but otherwise
politicians prefer to be oblivious to the living "aam admi". It has merely reduced to a theme at political parties and get togethers.
5) Last but not the least its I,me,myself with my "chalta hai" attitude, egocentricity. In a quest to find scapegoats, I dont realise that I have stopped living life as a social animal. I am not hamstrung to any sentiments, I come without an emotional baggage. All I care about is about traffic jams, promotions, salary-hike, latest car models, vacations abroad and brooding over why the heck newspapers,magazines, keep on splashing the same old newsheadlines with only the name and locations varing. Brick batting and involving in blame game has become my favourite timepass. Wondering when the tables will turn, do I realise that corruption is not one-sided? I can go lengths and volumes on illiteracy but never care that I consciously indulge in child labour. On donations and charity I turn a blind eye but still my favourite hang-out places are some plush lake-view resturants and vie for a shallow Louis Vuitton. Day in and day out I crib for that change wherein each one can breathe easy, but to see that change I need to bring the change!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

As the world gets divided among the bloggers and the non-bloggers...there is a thin line of reasoning that demarcates one from the other.I couldnot be lopsided and subjective in justifying the blogging community as i used to represent the anti bloggers once.So, in a need to vindicate their stand:
5+1 Reasons why people don't blog:
1.Since the problem of computer illiteracy is deep rooted and suffused through out, many of the real good wanna be writers, hobbyist really dont know how to go about blogging(as we call the 1 2 3 of blogging),much to their desperation.
You still dont believe me, how about this:It took me more than two years to move over this misconception and learn the art of developing an "all my customized" blog page.

2.To add ammunition to their agony, the media aggrandizes this tool as the authority of only the rich and famous; aamir khan,sharukh khan, the complete khan brotherhood blogging the shooting experiences of their upcoming softdrink advertisements!!!
so blogging actually turns kind of an awefilled experience and where bloggers given a demigod status.

3.For some hep and cool, sorry kewl blogging and stuff become a common know there are not just into the thing..whatever!!!! Its nomore happening to be blogging...

4.Majority is of the opinion that why blogging and what blogging??They are up in arms with life, no issues, no complains, no is beautiful and has come full circle 2 them. Blogging is pursed by the dejected and rejected afterall!!

5.non- availability of broadband and yes ofcourse they have got lot better and useful things to do...

6.The scariest part, given likes of amitabh bachan joining the bandwagon of bloggers where their popularity increases even more exponentially and e1 the washington post keeping a tab over their posts,the thought of "how many fans do u have,man" gives u shivers and thereby shooing away the remotest possible thought of blogging.
P.S:For those who are already blogging, they become the best of advertisers for themselves, putting e1 Alquee Padmasee(the ad guy) to shame.They plead their friends,pester them continuously to read their new post,in all, their conversation circumnavigates only their blogs and posts.I am sure there must b people out there who wear this ad even over their fabric.They talk blog, sleep blog and eat blog!!
Now, I wonder how many of the readers would turn to my new post, given that I have run completely dry of advertisement strategies...any suggestions????

Friday, July 31, 2009

5+1 Reasons why people Blog:

1.You are a wanna be writer but dont have funds or resources do go about the same ;countless futile meetings with your publisher led you absolutely nowhere; you dont want to suffer the wrath of an equally frustrated editor and undergo his blue-pencil operation.

2.creative writing(as we like 2 call it) used to be your passion in standard 8th and the fire gets rekindled some 8 years later turning into an arson and burning others property(ears,eyes,brains).

3.You are a serious attention seeker and suffering from 'count the profile check' syndrome where no. of profile clicks is directly proportional to the no. of teeth you show when you ingest the stats.

4.Frustated, dejected,rejected,screwed up,messed up are a few states of mind, if ur left with has hit the bottom (which is bottomless), rejected by GF, boss is a dog, backstabbed by friend are some of the few factors that direct you to blogging where you can mutely vent your spleen and maybe avenge the wrongdoers!!!!

5.Recession afflicted, out of the job or never had one, you have got nothing else to do n have a broadband connection...there u go blogging.....some e1 try 2 make it a profession with a tiny lil hope in the back of their minds that someday it will be a best seller(best blog or something)

6.There r some things that happen for no reason,we call it destiny and to some blogging is destiny!!!

Why do I blog: Coz I am another cog in the wheel n go in the direction it goes....

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I dont know how to begin with, i dont even think i am good at this art of expressing myself in an out an out public form, where world actually becomes one's oyster. But since i am just like another cog in this worldly wheel am bound to do what others are doing...follow people!!! Isnt it okay to follow people, to walk on already trudged path..playing it safe!! Majority of us, most of the times infallibly follow protocols dished out by others who constitute the minority.Barely we question those ideologies reason being our sheer oblivion or unintelligent imitativness or submission to them, an emulation rarely being a reason for that. We don't even question for that is something only an eight year old can do, according to the well conceived notion.It appears that the inquisitiveness has taken up the course of a silent death.Ideologies have become more of facts which are no more laid open to objective /subjective dissection.

Why is that we always bet safe, always skeptical and apprehensive to go out of the way explore and leave a trail....

Maybe because of the uncertainity factor which makes us just another cog in the wheel which helps turn the wheel but never sets its own direction!!!