5+1 Reasons why people don't blog:
1.Since the problem of computer illiteracy is deep rooted and suffused through out, many of the real good wanna be writers, hobbyist really dont know how to go about blogging(as we call the 1 2 3 of blogging),much to their desperation.
You still dont believe me, how about this:It took me more than two years to move over this misconception and learn the art of developing an "all my customized" blog page.
2.To add ammunition to their agony, the media aggrandizes this tool as the authority of only the rich and famous; aamir khan,sharukh khan, the complete khan brotherhood blogging the shooting experiences of their upcoming softdrink advertisements!!!
so blogging actually turns kind of an awefilled experience and where bloggers given a demigod status.
3.For some hep and cool, sorry kewl blogging and stuff become a common place..you know there are not just into the thing..whatever!!!! Its nomore happening to be blogging...
4.Majority is of the opinion that why blogging and what blogging??They are up in arms with life, no issues, no complains, no grudges..life is beautiful and has come full circle 2 them. Blogging is pursed by the dejected and rejected afterall!!
5.non- availability of broadband and yes ofcourse they have got lot better and useful things to do...
6.The scariest part, given likes of amitabh bachan joining the bandwagon of bloggers where their popularity increases even more exponentially and e1 the washington post keeping a tab over their posts,the thought of "how many fans do u have,man" gives u shivers and thereby shooing away the remotest possible thought of blogging.
P.S:For those who are already blogging, they become the best of advertisers for themselves, putting e1 Alquee Padmasee(the ad guy) to shame.They plead their friends,pester them continuously to read their new post,in all, their conversation circumnavigates only their blogs and posts.I am sure there must b people out there who wear this ad even over their fabric.They talk blog, sleep blog and eat blog!!
Now, I wonder how many of the readers would turn to my new post, given that I have run completely dry of advertisement strategies...any suggestions????
At least it widened my vocabulary a bit... ;)
ReplyDeletehey wats wid d sad smiley hny..? m pretty much blank dese days.. looking forwrd to a new post frm u.. tc